
A. being robbed B. having been robbed C. to have been robbed D. robbed 3、As a public relations officer, he is said ___ some very influential people. A. to know B. to be knowing C. to have been knowing D. to have known 4、AIDS...

How have you been recently? I am exceedingly sorry to tell you that although I have promised to visit you this Friday, I have to cancel my travel plan because of the following reason. Two days ago, I suddenly accepted the notice that there would be...

有车一族在享受车辆带来便利的同时,免不了还要为爱车操心各种事儿。以下这些关于车的英文表达也许你会用得着。 1. I had a puncture when I was ​driving back from ​work. 我下班回...

4.There's no point in having a go at me. 没有理由责怪我。 5.Feast your eyes! 让你大饱眼福! 6.I've just about had enough of you, lass! 我受够你了,大小姐! 7.That would set us...

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